I would like to use the angular material datepicker as a widget to control an instance of fullCalendar. Is there a way to force it to stay alway open and in a particular div? I know how to do it easily with bootstrap or jqueryUI but I would not want to add an extra dependency to my project.
Well, you can get that to work with some CSS, but the internal scroll position of the month scroller starts always at the top (1932).
is the internal directive that renders the datepicker, so just use that.
<md-calendar class="fixed-calendar" ng-model="myDate"></md-calendar>
And set the CSS to fixed size, which is usually calculated by the datepicker.
.fixed-calendar {
width: 340px;
height: 340px;
display: block;
.fixed-calendar .md-calendar-scroll-mask {
width: 340px !important;
.fixed-calendar .md-virtual-repeat-scroller {
width: 340px !important;
height: 308px;
But you can probably write your own directive that requires the mdCalendar
controller and set the scroll position there.
it's working on angular version 6.x
<mat-calendar [selected]="selectedDate"
Emits when the currently selected date changes
readonly selectedChange: EventEmitter<D>;
Emits the year chosen in multiyear view. This doesn't simply a change on the selected date
readonly yearSelected: EventEmitter<D>;
Emits the month chosen in year view. This doesn't simply a change on the selected date
readonly monthSelected: EventEmitter<D>;
Emits when any date is selected
readonly _userSelection: EventEmitter<void>;
but still missing some needed events like an event for the next and previous buttons
GitHub issue
Following up on @kuhnroyal his answer. If you want to go below 340px of width you can do the following:
.time-date {
font-size: 12px !important;
.fixed-calendar {
width: 280px;
height: 285px;
display: block;
.fixed-calendar .md-calendar-scroll-mask {
width: 280px !important;
height: 240px !important;
.fixed-calendar .md-virtual-repeat-scroller {
width: 280px !important;
height: 246px;
.fixed-calendar .md-calendar-date-selection-indicator {
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
line-height: 35px;
This for instance, sets the width to 280px. Just be sure that you set the selection indicator as well.
I wanted the height to be 240px as well, therefore I set the height of the scroll mask to 240px.