Put markers to a map generated with topoJSON and d

2020-07-22 19:13发布


I am creating a map of a particular state, I have been experimenting with d3.js and topojson and have created a great map, but now I want to add a marker on the map.

But now I have problems because as I add the marker have a GeoJSON file to add markers to the map generated and also the power I'd like to open a tooltip whenever a marker is pressed.

My map is very similar to this: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4699541 and all I want is to add markers to states through a GeoJSON file that has the geographical coordinates of the markers.

So the map is currently

Map expected...


You can add somthing like this at the end of your json callback:

var marks = [{long: -75, lat: 43},{long: -78, lat: 41},{long: -70, lat: 53}];

    .attr('width', 20)
    .attr('height', 20)
    .attr("transform", d => `translate(${projection([d.long,d.lat])}`);