After droping mongodb user ,not able to reconnect mongo again without authentication
i had created superuser tomuser
my command sequence in ubuntu terminal
1.use admin
3.sudo /etc/init.d/mongod stop
4.sudo /etc/init.d/mongod start
5.restart pc
6.mongo --port 27017
7.> show dbs
2016-01-14T16:03:55.420+0530 listDatabases failed:{
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "not authorized on admin to execute command { listDatabases: 1.0 }",
"code" : 13
} at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:47
I am getting above error!! not authorized on admin to execute command
so ,not able to connect mongodb after dropping user ..?
is there any thing missing ...?