
Join Non ContentPart Table to ContentPart Table Us

2020-07-22 18:18发布


I am trying to perform a simple join between two different tables using the Orchard HQL API. The problem is that one of the tables is not a ContentPartTable. Is this possible??

Here is what it would look like in regular SQL:

Select * From ItemPartRecord 
Join ItemRecord
On ItemRecord.ItemId = ItemPartRecord.ItemId
Where ItemRecord.Price Between 1000 and 10000

How exactly could I go about doing this?


If anyone is wondering how to do this:

 //Join the non content part table
var defaultHqlQuery = query as DefaultHqlQuery;
var fiJoins = typeof(DefaultHqlQuery).GetField("_joins", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var joins = fiJoins.GetValue(defaultHqlQuery) as List<Tuple<IAlias, Join>>;
joins.Add(new Tuple<IAlias, Join>(new Alias("ExampleNamespace.Data.Models"), new Join("ExampleRecord", "ExampleAlias", ",")));
Action<IHqlExpressionFactory> joinOn = predicate => predicate.EqProperty("valueToJoinOn", "aliasToJoinOn.valueToJoinOn");
query = query.Where(
alias => alias.Named("ExampleAlias"),