I am new to pyspark
I have a dataset which looks like (just a snapshot of few columns)
I want to group my data by key. My key is
My ultimate goal is to convert the data into JSON, formated like this
k1[{v1,v2,....},{v1,v2,....}], k2[{v1,v2,....},{v1,v2,....}],....
248138339 [{ PRECIMA_ID:SCP 00248 0000138339, PROD_NBR:5553505, PROD_DESC:Shot and a Beer Battered Onion Rings (5553505 and 9285840) , PROD_BRND:Molly's Kitchen,PACK_SIZE:4/2.5 LB, QTY_UOM:CA } ,
{ PRECIMA_ID:SCP 00248 0000138339 , PROD_NBR:6659079 , PROD_DESC:Beef Chuck Short Rib Slices, PROD_BRND:Stockyards , PACK_SIZE:12 LBA , QTY_UOM:CA} ,{...,...,} ],
I have created a dataframe (I am joining two tables basically to get some more fields)
joinstmt = sqlContext.sql(
"SELECT a.precima_id , CONCAT(a.div_nbr,a.cust_nbr) as
key,a.prod_nbr , a.prod_desc,a.prod_brnd , a.pack_size , a.qty_uom , a.sales_opp , a.prc_guidance , a.pim_mrch_ctgry_desc , a.pim_mrch_ctgry_id , b.start_date,b.end_date
FROM scoop_dtl a join scoop_hdr b on (a.precima_id =b.precima_id)")
Now, in order to get the above result I need to group by the result based on key, I did the following
groupbydf = joinstmt.groupBy("key")
This resulted intp a grouped data and after reading I got to know that I cannot use it directly and I need to convert it back into dataframes to store it.
I am new to it, need some help inorder to convert it back into dataframes or I would appreciate if there are any other ways as well.