How do I check if a cell contains an image using A

2020-07-22 17:00发布


I have the following block of code:

        File file = new File("myFile.xlsx");  // my file
        inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
        XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream);
        XSSFSheet sh = wb.getSheetAt(0); // first sheet
        Iterator rowIter = sh.rowIterator();
        while(rowIter.hasNext()){ // iterate over all rows
            System.out.println("New Row "); // notify of new row
            Row myRow = (Row);
            Iterator cellIter = myRow.cellIterator();
            while(cellIter.hasNext()){ // iterate over all cells in row
                XSSFCell myCell = (XSSFCell);
                //how can I check that myCell has an image?
                //(I'm expecting it to be in the fourth cell each time)

                System.out.print(" " + myCell); // output cell content on same line

I am using Apache POI to read an .xlsx file. Each row can contain a cell with an image which was pasted into it by a user.

I'm hoping to grab the image and encode it to base64. How do I check if a cell contains an image while iterating through the spreadsheet?

I've already read , but that deals with getting all images first, then iterating through them. I'd like to iterate through cells and check for images.


The following code iterates through all images of the first sheet. So you don't need to iterate through rows/cols, but get the positions straight away. Apart of OneCellAnchor and TwoCellAnchor there are also AbsoluteAnchors which can't be directly associate with a cell.

import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocumentPart;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.*;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.*;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.spreadsheetDrawing.*;

public class Images2Cells {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        OPCPackage opc ="auto.xlsx", PackageAccess.READ);
        XSSFWorkbook book = new XSSFWorkbook(opc);

        XSSFSheet sheet = book.getSheetAt(0);
        for (POIXMLDocumentPart pdp : sheet.getRelations()) {
            if (!XSSFRelation.DRAWINGS.getRelation().equals(pdp.getPackageRelationship().getRelationshipType())) continue;

            PackagePart drawPP = pdp.getPackagePart();
            WsDrDocument draw = WsDrDocument.Factory.parse(drawPP.getInputStream());

            for (CTOneCellAnchor oneAnc : draw.getWsDr().getOneCellAnchorList()) {
                String picId = oneAnc.getPic().getBlipFill().getBlip().getEmbed();
                PackageRelationship pr = drawPP.getRelationship(picId);
                PackagePart imgPP = drawPP.getRelatedPart(pr);
                // byte imgBytes[] = IOUtils.toByteArray(imgPP.getInputStream());

                    +" - Col: "+oneAnc.getFrom().getCol()
                    +" - Row: "+oneAnc.getFrom().getRow()

            for (CTTwoCellAnchor twoAnc : draw.getWsDr().getTwoCellAnchorList()) {
                String picId = twoAnc.getPic().getBlipFill().getBlip().getEmbed();
                PackageRelationship pr = drawPP.getRelationship(picId);
                PackagePart imgPP = drawPP.getRelatedPart(pr);

                    +" - Col1: "+twoAnc.getFrom().getCol()
                    +" - Row1: "+twoAnc.getFrom().getRow()
                    +" - Col2: "+twoAnc.getTo().getCol()
                    +" - Row2: "+twoAnc.getTo().getRow()
