
pip install wheel version from private github repo

2020-07-22 16:26发布


I've packaged my private repo into a wheel. There are different versions of the wheel. Is it possible to install a specific wheel version of the repo using pip from the command line and via the requirements.txt file? This feature isn't mentioned in the pip documentation from what I can tell.

I can install a pip package from a private repository with no problem, using a Github token.

pip install git+https://$GITHUB_TOKEN@github.com/[username]/[reponame].git

I can also install a private pip package with a specific commit:

pip install git+https://$GITHUB_TOKEN@github.com/[username]/[reponame].git@[commit_sha]


If you want to install a specific wheel, you give pip the path or URL for that wheel:

pip install https://example.com/url/of/wheel.whl