
Twitter Integration in Blackberry: Login Page not

2020-07-22 10:29发布


I am trying to integrate twitter using Twitter Api me 1.8 . When i try to authorize using OAuth the login Screen look like below .Some invalid charecters are showing.please help me to identify the problem



If the login page content is not displayed properly in BlackBerry, then follow this link.

Please, use BrowserFieldOAuthDialogWrapper in place of BrowserContentManagerOAuthDialogWrapper class. It works fine for me. http://kenai.com/projects/twitterapime/forums/forum/topics/523812-A-test-for-invalid-characters-on-Blackberry#p571144

I got this success by the help of @ernandesmjr Ernandes Mourao Jr

If any find any issue. please let me know.


Try with BIS. It works fine with BIS. Else you can call HTTP GET and POST methode to the following urls.

For request token call https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token (HTTP GET with key , secret, and signature).Then you will get the request token

For Authorization call this link in your browser https://twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=your request token

For access token call https://twitter.com/oauth/access_token (HTTP POST with key , secret, signature , token) . Then you will get the access token and secret.