I have a react native app that uses Firebase, firestore. for uploading images i am using "react-native-fetch-blob" to create a Blob.
in the js file that I use to upload the file, my code look like this:
const Blob = RNFetchBlob.polyfill.Blob
const fs = RNFetchBlob.fs
window.XMLHttpRequest = RNFetchBlob.polyfill.XMLHttpRequest
window.Blob = Blob
window.XMLHttpRequest = RNFetchBlob.polyfill.XMLHttpRequest
because of this window.XMLHttpRequest my app is blocked and not getting any response from firebase(not catch / nothing => just passing thrue the code).
if i removed this line i can read/write to the firestore, bat I can't upload an image.
is there anything i can do for uploading images and keep writing to firestore?
Heare is my page:
import ImagePicker from 'react-native-image-crop-picker';
import RNFetchBlob from 'react-native-fetch-blob'
import firebase from 'firebase';
const Blob = RNFetchBlob.polyfill.Blob
const fs = RNFetchBlob.fs
window.XMLHttpRequest = RNFetchBlob.polyfill.XMLHttpRequest
window.Blob = Blob
export const choozFile = (isSmalImg) => {
let options = {
width: isSmalImg ? 100 : 690,
height: isSmalImg ? 100 : 390,
cropping: true,
mediaType: 'photo'
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ImagePicker.openPicker(options).then(response => {
let source = { uri: response.path };
resolve({ avatarSource: source, isProfileImg: isSmalImg })
export const addReportToFirebase = (obj = {}, uri, isProfile, mime = 'application/octet-stream') => {
obj["uId"] = "JtXNfy34BNRfCoRO6luwhIJke0l2";
const storage = firebase.storage();
const db = firebase.firestore();
const uploadUri = uri;
const sessionId = new Date().getTime();
let uploadBlob = null;
const imageRef = storage.ref(`images${isProfile ? '/profile' : ''}`).child(`${sessionId}`)
fs.readFile(uploadUri, 'base64')
.then((data) => {
return Blob.build(data, { type: `${mime};BASE64` })
.then((blob) => {
uploadBlob = blob
return imageRef.put(blob, { contentType: mime })
.then(() => {
obj['image'] = url;
db.collection("reports").add(obj).then(() => {
console.log("Document successfully written!");
}).catch((err) => {
console.error("Error writing document: ", err);
.catch((error) => {
console.log('upload Image error: ', error)