Names of the countries on the plot with rworldmap

2020-07-22 09:25发布


Good morning, I have spent a lot of time to figure out how can I add a country names directly on plot not like a part of legend, but like part of map. Im using package rworldmap, tried to use identifyCountries () - but it something for interaction (when a user clicks on the map), than I have found a such solution Administrative regions map of a country with ggmap and ggplot2 but it's for ggplot2, and too complicated. Im trying to do it with mapCountryData(). Hope for your help, thanks.

data <- data.frame(Country=c('Russia','Cyprus', 'Belize', 'Austria' ,'Virgin Islands', 
        'Italy','United States' ,'United Kingdom', 'Germany', 'France' ,'Poland' ,'Switzerland'),


    pdf1 <- joinCountryData2Map(data, joinCode="NAME", nameJoinColumn="Country")

    mapCountryData(pdf1, nameColumnToPlot="Value", catMethod="pretty", 
    colourPalette='white2Black',addLegend='TRUE',mapTitle=NULL, mapRegion="Europe")


You can try:

# get the coordinates for each country
# label the countries

passing these lines after your code, you'll get:

标签: r maps rworldmap