An exception occurred while invoking executor 'executor://mstestadapter/v2': Constructor on type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.MSTest.TestAdapter.Execution.UnitTestRunner' not found.
- Exit Visual Studio.
- Delete %temp%\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions
- Restart Visual Studio and try again.
- That's all it was.
I had the same problem while running tests in the build server.
I tried below things and it started working:
- updated my projects to point to latest MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.TestFramework
cleared old versions of MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.TestFramework folders from build server under this paths
C:\Users\.nuget\packages\MSTest.TestAdapter C:\Users\.nuget\packages\MSTest.TestFramework
I cleared the source files in the build once(not sure about this step but worth trying just in case)