I am looking for a (perhaps creative) way to place text next to a graph in the jupyter notebook. The idea is to have a detailed description of the chart, right next to it, instead of the usual vertical flow of the notebook.
Any ideas?
I am looking for a (perhaps creative) way to place text next to a graph in the jupyter notebook. The idea is to have a detailed description of the chart, right next to it, instead of the usual vertical flow of the notebook.
Any ideas?
A rather creative way is to mimic the inline backend but adding a underlying table. A possible solution for python 2.7 could look like
from io import BytesIO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display, Image, HTML
import base64
def plotdesc(fig, text, iwidth=None):
bio = BytesIO()
# save fig as png to bytes IO instead to disk
fig.savefig(bio, format='png')
iwidth = ' width={0} '.format(iwidth) if iwidth is not None else ''
img_tag = "<img src='data:image/png;base64," + base64.b64encode(bio.getvalue()) + "'{0}/>".format(iwidth)
datatable = '<table><tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td></tr></table>'.format(img_tag, text)
To be used like:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(6,4))
text = '<h4>Description of the chart:</h4><BR>asdfsa fasdf qwer fsdaf er qw asdcdsafqwer dacfas dfqwetr cvxy fsa'
plotdesc(fig, text, iwidth='500px')
If you now set the table CSS to remove the border e.g.
table,td,tr,th {border:none!important}
you get a plot like
Of course this solution can be further enhanced to use fixed column widths, etc. IIRC the base64 encoding was slightly different with python 3.x.