I have this cloud function:
import pLimit from "p-limit";
const syncNotificationsAvatar = async (
userId: string,
change: Change<DocumentSnapshot>
) => {
if (!change.before.get("published") || !change.after.exists) {
const before: Profile = change.before.data() as any;
const after: Profile = change.after.data() as any;
const keysToCompare: (keyof Profile)[] = ["avatar"];
if (
keysToCompare.map((k) => before[k]),
keysToCompare.map((k) => after[k])
) {
const limit = pLimit(1000);
const input = [
limit(async () => {
const notifications = await admin
.where("userId", "==", userId)
await Promise.all(
chunk(notifications.docs, 500).map(
async (docs: admin.firestore.QueryDocumentSnapshot[]) => {
const batch = admin.firestore().batch();
for (const doc of docs) {
batch.update(doc.ref, {
avatar: after.avatar
await batch.commit();
return await Promise.all(input);
How can I recursively update the notifications
collection but first limit the query to 1.000
documents (until there are not more documents) and then batch.update
them? I'm afraid this query will timeout since collection could grow big over time.