I'm stuck as I want to switch to the V5 version of react-navigation. With v4, I used to pass my params and use them with :
- Set :
this.props.navigation.navigate('MyDestination', {myParam: 'value'})
- Get :
With v5, some things changed and I now can't use the this.props.navigation
since it's not seemed to be known by the app.
My code is splitted so I have my App.js that only refer to the Navigation class :
import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native'
import Navigation from './navigation/Navigation'
export default function App() {
return (
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
Then my Navigation file contains all the navigation mechanism (I did not added my TabBar yet, since I want to fix the base navigation first) :
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack'
import { createBottomTabNavigator } from 'react-navigation-tabs'
import { StyleSheet, Image } from 'react-native'
import React from 'react'
import Home from '../components/Home'
import LendList from '../components/LendList'
import AddMoney from '../components/AddMoney'
import AddStuff from '../components/AddStuff'
import Settings from '../components/Settings'
import Test from '../components/Test'
function HomeScreen() {
function LendListScreen() {
const Stack = createStackNavigator()
function App() {
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Home">
<Stack.Screen name="Home"
options={{ title: "Home Page"}}
<Stack.Screen name="LendList"
options={{ title: 'Liste' }}
<Stack.Screen name="AddMoney"
options={{ title: "Ajout Money"}}
<Stack.Screen name="AddStuff"
options={{ title: "Ajout Stuff"}}
<Stack.Screen name="Settings"
options={{ title: "Settings"}}
<Stack.Screen name="Test"
options={{ title: "Test"}}
export default App
And then come each of my pages (coded with classes), and here is one example, Home.js (I removed all the Style part to shorten the code displayed here) :
import React from 'react'
import { StyleSheet, Text, Image, View, Button, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'
import Moment from 'react-moment'
import { CommonActions } from '@react-navigation/native'
import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native'
class Home extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = () => {
return {
headerRight: () => <TouchableOpacity style={styles.settings_touchable_headerrightbutton}
onPress={() => this.goToSettings()}>
<Image style={styles.settings_image}
source={require('../assets/ic_settings.png')} />
constructor(props) {
this._goToSettings = this._goToSettings.bind(this)
_updateNavigationParams() {
goToSettings: this._goToSettings
navigation.navigate('LendList', {type: 'Money'})
navigation.navigate('LendList', {type: 'Stuff'})
navigation.navigate('LendList', {type: 'People'})
_goToSettings = () => {
const date = new Date();
const { navigation } = this.props;
<View style={styles.main_container}>
<View style={styles.header_view}>
<Text style={styles.header_text}>GiViToMe</Text>
<Text style={styles.header_text}>Nous sommes le :{' '}
{/* TODO: Penser à gérer ensuite les formats de date étrangers */}
<Moment element={Text} format="DD/MM/YYYY" date={date}/>
<View style={styles.lend_view}>
<Text style={styles.title_lend_text}>Vos prêts :</Text>
<View style={styles.money_stuff_view}>
<View style={styles.money_view}>
<View style={styles.money_data_view}>
<Image source={require('../assets/ic_money.png')} style={styles.home_img} />
<Text>XXX $</Text>
<Button title='Money' onPress={() => {this._checkMoneyDetails(navigation)}}/>
<View style={styles.stuff_view}>
<View style={styles.stuff_data_view}>
<Image source={require('../assets/ic_box.png')} style={styles.home_img} />
<Text>XXX objets</Text>
<Button title='Stuff' onPress={() => {this._checkStuffDetails(navigation)}}/>
<View style={styles.people_view}>
<View style={styles.people_data_view}>
<Image source={require('../assets/ic_people.png')} style={styles.home_img} />
<Text>XXX people</Text>
<Button title='People' onPress={() => {this._checkPeopleDetails(navigation)}}/>
<View style={styles.footer_view}>
<Text style={styles.text_footer_view}>a.vescera inc.</Text>
export default Home
My problem is that, per the online documentation, I saw that to use "navigation" or "route" within a class, I should use the const navigation = { this.props }
after the render()
This problem is that, to use one specific function within the header, I have to bind it after the componentDidMount()
function, but the value present under render()
is not yet known.
How could I solve this ? (sure that in the given example, having all the code in the navigation part allow to use navigation
and route
easily but you understand that I have to split my code.