
Ionic - svg does not appear

2020-07-21 02:59发布


I made the application build of the ionic 2 sidemenu, however the svg appears in the Chrome but svg does not appear in Android after generate the file android-debug.apk:

Follow the commands I used:

npm install -g ionic cordova ionic start myApp --v2 sidemenu ionic platform add android ionic build android


        <button ion-button menuToggle>
            <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
        <ion-title>Page One</ion-title>
<ion-content padding>
    <h3>Ionic Menu Starter</h3>
    <img src="../../assets/img/myapp.svg" alt="">
        If you get lost, the
        <a href="http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2">docs</a> will show you the way.
    <button ion-button secondary menuToggle>Toggle Menu</button>

Could you help me solve this problem?


Maybe it is because you use the wrong path, remember when you build an app, you have this:

So the path is need to be "./assets/img/myapp.svg" intread "../../assets/img/myapp.svg" , because in a compiled app you are in the root , it's as if you are loading evething in the index.html file, and it's also works in the browser


You can try to open your apk with a zip tool and check if apk contains image that you give. If so make sure your relative path points image.

Good luck


I had same problem that SVG format would not display in ionic 2 on build. My solution is that you need to put svg files into right assets folder, path to that folder is "./assets/img/[file_name]" like JoxieMedina explained why, and I used original html img tag instead of ionic ion-img because ion-img have some styling on default. If you are using ion-img then you will probably need to define width and/or height of an ion-img element to make it visible. Plus, in both cases, with img or ion-img element, I needed to put "backgroun-color: transparent" and define mime type type="image/svg+xml" to make it work. Hope this will help someone.


For me, on HTML I use assets/path/to/file, as using other combinations did not work on Android.

Another reason that it might not work for some is due to path/filename case. I was requesting MyFile.svg but the file was actually myfile.svg.