How should I write a function to be used in Apply

2020-07-20 23:54发布


I am wondering how I can write a function to be used in the Apply function in Mathematica? For example, I want to trivially re-implement the Or function, I found the following

Apply[(#1 || #2)&,{a,b,c}]

is not okay since it only Or'ed the first two elements in the list. Many thanks!


This will work, no matter how many vars, and is a general pattern:


for example

In[5]:= Or[##] & @@ {a, b, c}

Out[5]= a || b || c

However, in the case of Or, this is not good enough, since Or is HoldAll and short-circuiting - that is, it stops upon first True statement, and keeps the rest unevaluated. Example:

In[6]:= Or[True, Print["*"]]

Out[6]= True

In[7]:= Or[##] & @@ Hold[True, Print["*"]]

During evaluation of In[7]:= *

Out[7]= True

This will be ok though:


for example,

In[8]:= Function[Null, Or[##], HoldAll] @@ Hold[True, Print["*"]]

Out[8]= True

and can be used in such cases (when you don't want your arguments to evaluate). Note that this uses an undocumented form of Function. The mention of this form can be found in the book of R.Maeder, "Programming in Mathematica".



Or @@ {a, b, c}     


Apply[Or, {a, b, c}]  


{a, b, c} /. {x_, y__} -> Or[x, y]  

Apply works like this:

{2 #1, 3 #2, 4 #3} & @@ {a, b, c}  
{2 a, 3 b, 4 c}

Plus[2 #1, 3 #2, 4 #3] & @@ {a, b, c}
2 a + 3 b + 4 c


Are you sure you are expecting the right thing from Apply? If you look in the documentation,, you will see that Apply[f,expr] simply replaces the head of f by expr. It does not, in general, give f[expr].

If you wish to operate with function f onto expr, try f@expr or f[expr].

Perhaps you understand the above and your question really is, "how do I define some f that, when I do Apply[f,{a,b,c}], does the same job as Or[a,b,c]. Is that it?