I defined some tasks with a time limit of 1200:
def create_ne_list(text):
c = Client()
return c.create_ne_list(text)
I'm also using the worker_process_init
signal to do some initialization, each time a new process starts:
def init(sender=None, conf=None, **kwargs):
This initialization function takes several seconds to execute.
Besides that, I'm using the following configuration:
BROKER_URL = 'amqp://'
CELERY_TIMEZONE = 'Europe/Berlin'
and start my worker with the following command:
celery -A isc worker -l info --concurrency=3
As expected, starting the worker results in the initialization function being called three times. Now, I can send tasks and they are being executed and everything seems to run smoothly.
BUT: As soon as a tasks exceeds its time limit, the worker gets caught in an infinite loop of spawning and being killed off again because of exceeding the time limit.
[2014-06-13 09:46:18,978: ERROR/MainProcess] Timed out waiting for UP message from <Worker(Worker-20381, started daemon)>
[2014-06-13 09:46:20,000: ERROR/MainProcess] Process 'Worker-20381' pid:18953 exited with 'signal 9 (SIGKILL)'
// new worker 20382 getting started, initialization getting triggerd and soon after that -->
[2014-06-13 09:46:18,978: ERROR/MainProcess] Timed out waiting for UP message from <Worker(Worker-20382, started daemon)>
[2014-06-13 09:46:20,000: ERROR/MainProcess] Process 'Worker-20382' pid:18954 exited with 'signal 9 (SIGKILL)'
// and so on....
Does anyone has an idea why this is happening?