What's the best practice to deploy multiple Web site on Cloud Service ?
I have three web sites, is it possible to deploy those three web sites into one Cloud Service ? (Three instances in one Cloud Service)
Or Do I have to create three Cloud services and deploy each web site separetly ?
Thank you
My ServiceDefinition file:
<WebRole name="WebRoleName" vmsize="ExtraSmall">
<Site name="Web" physicalDirectory="../WebSite1">
<Binding name="Endpoint1" endpointName="Endpoint1" />
<Site name="Web2" physicalDirectory="..\..\..\WebSite2">
<Binding name="Endpoint2" endpointName="Endpoint2" />
<InputEndpoint name="Endpoint1" protocol="http" port="80" />
<InputEndpoint name="Endpoint2" protocol="http" port="81" />
<Import moduleName="Diagnostics" />
<Import moduleName="RemoteAccess" />
<Import moduleName="RemoteForwarder" />
By using that code, WebSite1 is available and WebSite2 is not, even by adding :81 I used the Remote Desktop to validate the deployment on IIS, and I saw that WebSite1 was correctly deployed but WebSite2 was not. WebSite2 and WebSite2.Test were two folders deployed below the Virtual Website Directory. By Copying manually the content, of the WebSite2 folder, below the Virtual WebSite Directory, i was able to access to my website via http://ID.cloudapp.net:81
What's the error ? Why the Test project is also deployed for WebSite2 ? (I made a check on the depedency and that's not selected)
Thank you