I'm trying to upload an Image(can be bind to a model with a data type byte[]) from UI and save it in the database.
I'm using AngularJS connecting it to .NET WebAPI and saving it to MSSSQL Server
I cant find a good example using these technologies.
What approach is better to use? like ng-upload, FormData, ArrayBuffer, convert image to byte, etc. and how will you catch it from WebAPI?
I'm working on this feature these days. I share my experience (obviously it can be improved).
The key components I use are:
- angular-file-upload
- .NET ImageResizer: for resizing original image for thumbnails (excellent work by Nathanael Jones)
the stack is:
Angular.js Image Uploader
As I said, I use angular-file-uploader. There's no so much to add to the official documentation, but my uploader configuration is:
$scope.uploader = $fileUploader.create({
scope: $scope,
url: DisciturSettings.apiUrl + 'User/Image',
queueLimit: 1,
formData: [{ UserId: AuthService.user.userid }],
headers: AuthService.getTokenHeader()
In order to send the user id to the http request and to grant the access to the authorized route
WebApi 2 Action
The service does the main work. Here is the code.
As you can see, in this phase, I do two resizings of the image passed (one for the user profile picture and the other for user thumbnail picture). Besides this, I convert the byte[] in string and prepare the string for next retrievals. Doing this I prepend this part "data:image/gif;base64,", so, in the next entity readings (through EntityFramework) I don't have to manipulate the result anymore and I can put them directly in angular template:
<img ng-src="{{local.user.image}}" />
Obviously It can be made differently, but that's my case.
At the moment I simply use nvarchar for storing images.
It's my first try so it can be improved for sure (if you have hints, don't hesitate).