I'm attempting to reproduce the ARCamera's project point function, but for some reason the values are not matching up properly. I am taking the ARCamera's projection matrix and view matrix and applying basic CG perspective transform math, (PV) * p, but the NDC values do not match the pixel values given from the ARCamera's project point function. Any ideas? Am I forgetting something?
Some more detail:
Basically, I'm trying to take an ARFrame a the click of a button, and then trying to replicate the functionality of https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/arcamera/2923538-projectpoint. I'm attempting to do this with https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/arcamera/2887458-projectionmatrix and https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/arcamera/2921672-viewmatrix, making sure all of the inputs match for both parts. CG size is used to transform the coordinates from NDC space to image space.
EDIT: Solution found, check comments below.