I'm using the following plugin: http://vasyabigi.github.io/angular-slick/
I'm also using ng-repeat, so I'm experiencing that it's executing before the ng-repeat is done.
Is there any way to fix that?
<slick><div ng-repeat="carfactory in vm.carfactory">
<h4> {{ carfactory.name }}</h4>
<img src="/biler/1.png" style="float: left; padding: 15px; max-width: 100px; height: auto; margin-bottom: 26px;">
<p><b>Pris:</b> {{ carfactory.price | currency }} kroner</p>
<p><b>Eier:</b> <a href="/">{{ carfactory.ownerid }}</a></p>
<b>Beskyttelse:</b> {{ carfactory.protection }}</p><p><b>Antall igjen:</b> <span id="antall_1">{{ carfactory.amount }}</span>
<p class="hotel-out">
<input ng-show="carfactory.amount > 0" class="btn btn-block" ng-click="vm.purchasecar(carfactory)" type="submit"value="Kjøp bil!">
<p class="hotel-in alert alert-warning" ng-show="carfactory.amount <= 0">Gå ut av hotell for å kjøpe en bil.</p>
That doesn't work, but if I remove the repeater and copy+paste the code two times it works.
Any idea how to make the ng-repeat work, or how I can get the slicker plugin to wait until it is finished loading?
if i perform <slick init-onload="true" data="vm.carfactory"
then i get the following error:
slider.unslick is not a function
edit: my controller is using angular.module('garage',['slick'])