If I want to bypass a Network like using webProxy is there any way?
WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy();
proxy.ByPassList = ???
If I want to bypass a Network like using webProxy is there any way?
WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy();
proxy.ByPassList = ???
You could set it up in Internet Explorer and then use
WebProxy proxy = (WebProxy) WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy(); Deprecated.
var iproxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy();
var url = new Uri("http://www.example.com");
var wp = new WebProxy();
wp.Credentials = iproxy.Credentials;
wp.Address = iproxy.GetProxy(url);
or you could try to add "192.\.168\.1\.*"
to proxy.BypassList with something like
List<string> bypasslist = new List<string>(proxy.BypassList);
proxy.BypassList = bypasslist.ToArray();
You cannot alter the bypass list after the proxy creation. Use the following constructor overloads:
Uri address = ...
proxy = new WebProxy(address, **true**);
true means "bypass on local", and should be enough for you needs if you are using a subnet.
or if you want to add a custom list:
Uri address = ...
proxy = new WebProxy(address, true, new string[] {"","intranet",...});