I'm having tough time integrating youtube v3 API. I tried all the possible solutions given in Youtube API Key.
Here is my code:
YouTube.Search.List query;
query = youTube.search().list("id, snippet");
SearchListResponse response = query.execute();
List<SearchResult> results = response.getItems();
As per Ayman Al-Absi's answer, I also tried passing packageName and and generated SHA1 (ZFzdtB22bpkKGc1kSgi0qxUPSWk=).
request.getHeaders().set("X-Android-Package", packageName);
But when I did that I got error :
{ "code": 403, "errors": [ { "domain": "usageLimits", "message": "The Android package name and signing-certificate fingerprint, com.example.somename and ZFzdtB22bpkKGc1kSgi0qxUPSWk=, do not match the app restrictions configured on your API key. Please use the API Console to update your key restrictions.", "reason": "ipRefererBlocked", "extendedHelp": "https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials?project=1234567" } ], "message": "The Android package name and signing-certificate fingerprint, com.example.somename and ZFzdtB22bpkKGc1kSgi0qxUPSWk=, do not match the app restrictions configured on your API key. Please use the API Console to update your key restrictions." }
API key configurations:
I have added SHA-1 fingerprints for both debug and prod environments.