I've written happily a node.js server, which uses socket.io to communicate with the client. this all works well. the socket.on('connection'...) handler got a bit big, which made me think of an alternative way to organize my code and add the handlers in a generator function like this:
sessionSockets.on('connection', function (err, socket, session) {
control.generator.apply(socket, [session]);
the generator takes an object that contains the socket events and their respective handler function:
var config = {
//handler for event 'a'
a: function(data){
//handler for event 'b'
b: function(data){
function generator(session){
//set up socket.io handlers as per config
for(var method in config){
console.log('CONTROL: adding handler for '+method);
//'this' is the socket, generator is called in this way
this.on(method, function(data){
console.log('CONTROL: received '+method);
config[method].apply(this, data);
I was hoping that this would add the socket event handlers to the socket, which it kind of does, but when any event comes in, it always calls the latest one added, in this case always the b-function.
Anyone any clues what i am doing wrong here?