Microsoft Graph - Why is root site read access nee

2020-07-18 10:13发布


I'm trying to access the items of a list that is a part of a nested subsite, like this:


My test user has only Read permission on the vendorAppSite Subsite. I have removed read permissions from all other sites, including the root site collection at https://{mytenant}

If I navigate to here in a browser:


Then I see the list, just as expected.

However, when I make this request in the Graph Explorer:{vendorSiteCollection}/{vendorAppSite}:/lists/{vendorList}?$expand=items($expand=fields)

I get a 403 forbidden response:

    "error": {
        "code": "accessDenied",
        "message": "The caller does not have permission to perform the action.",
        "innerError": {
            "request-id": "15e2087d-8ae5-46e3-abee-4ab165629dfb",
            "date": "2018-04-05T12:08:16"

I would have expected to be able to read the list items via the API just like I can see the list items in the SharePoint Online UI.

How can I use the Microsoft Graph API to read the items when the permission levels are set like this?

Side note: When the test user has Read permission on the root site collection at https://{mytenant}, the API works as expected. But this workaround doesn't work for us since we don't want our users to have read access to the root site collection.


This issue seems to be fixed in the MS Graph.