I've got documents containing tags
array. I want to provide tags based recommendations on site, so I need to get documents containing same tags + documents that don't match 1 tag + documents that don't match 2 tags and etc...
How do I do that?
I've got documents containing tags
array. I want to provide tags based recommendations on site, so I need to get documents containing same tags + documents that don't match 1 tag + documents that don't match 2 tags and etc...
How do I do that?
example collection:
db.tags.insert({"tags":["red", "tall", "cheap"]});
db.tags.insert({"tags":["blue", "tall", "expensive"]});
db.tags.insert({"tags":["blue", "little", "cheap"]});
find all that include the tag "blue"
db.tags.find({tags: { $elemMatch: { $eq: "blue" } }})
find all tagged "blue" and only blue
db.tags.find({tags: "blue"})
find all tagged "blue" and "cheap"
db.tags.find({ tags: { $all: ["cheap", "blue"] } } )
find all not "blue"
db.tags.find({tags: { $ne: "blue" } })
find all "blue" and "cheap" but not "red" and not "tall"
not possible in my mongo db. From mongodb 1.9.1 on something like this should work, though (not tested):
db.tags.find({ $and: [ {tags: { $all: ["blue", "cheap"] } }, { tags: { $nin: ["red", "tall"] } } ] })
The rephrased question is:
Suppose if job postings have search tags attached like
Job Postings
[{_id : ObjectId(1249999493),tags : ['Location1', 'SkillSet1', 'SkillSet2', 'Someother1', 'Someother2']},
{_id : ObjectId(1249999494),tags : ['Location3', 'SkillSet1', 'SkillSet0', 'Someother4', 'Someother3']}]
Now, he wants the records having tags ['Location1','SkillSet1', 'SkillSet0']
And the selected docs having more keywords from the query should come first. Less keywords matching should come last. So, that one can get more suitable job posting for the search query.
Am I sensible or do I need to re-phrase ?
Find matching products which contains any of the specified keys.
Unfold on keys
Do find again to filter unwanted after unfolding
Group them by adding key occurrence
Sort desc to get most relevant first
[{ "$match" : { "keys" : { "$in" : [ { "$regex" : "text" , "$options" : "i"}]}}}, { "$unwind" : "$keys"}, { "$match" : { "keys" : { "$in" : [ { "$regex" : "text" , "$options" : "i"}]}}}, { "$group" : { "_id" : { "productId" : "$productId"} , "relatedTags" : { "$sum" : 1} }}, { "$sort" : { "relatedTags" : -1}},{ "$limit" : 10}]