I have a .NET Core 2.1 API which, when run via Visual Studio in Windows, receives a HTTP GET from the browser and successfully returns data from a MySQL DB.
I've been trying to add the API to a Docker container (inside Ubuntu) - this builds, but I can't access the API from the browser:
What I've tried:
- Checking available ports. Here's the relevant output:
- Connecting using a different browser: In Chromium, it says 'This site can't be reached: localhost unexpectedly closed the connection.'
- Testing unused ports in the browser to see if this returns a different message - for Firefox, unused ports return 'Unable to connect' instead of 'Secure connection Failed', and in Chromium they return 'localhost refused to connect.' instead of 'localhost unexpectedly closed the connection.'
- In Firefox, configuring 'security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts' to 'localhost'.
- Double-checking that ports are mapped correctly in docker-compose.yml - under 'ports' for the relevant container, 44329 is mapped to 44329.
- Running a DB query when the API starts and logging the result: this is successful. I run
docker-compose up
, the API starts, connects to the DB container, and it logs the result of an SQL query to a text file. So the problem is unlikely to be anything to do with the database. - Logging GET requests: Inside Windows, the GET requests are successfully logged, but in the Ubuntu Docker container, they're not.
This might be relevant: In Windows, the API only works properly if you start it from Visual Studio. If you execute dotnet webapi.dll
, you get this output
...\netcoreapp2.1>dotnet webapi.dll
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
So here it's not running on 44329; instead it's accessible via 5001 in the browser, where you get this message which is not chill at all: Clicking 'ADVANCED' allows you to continue to the API.
- So I've also tried connecting via 5001 in Ubuntu without luck.
Here's the output from 'docker-compose up':
matt@Matt-Ubuntu:~/docker2$ docker-compose up
Starting docker2_mysql_1 ... done
Starting docker2_dbmodelmapper_1 ... done
Attaching to docker2_mysql_1, docker2_dbmodelmapper_1
... (mysql stuff) ...
dbmodelmapper_1 | Hosting environment: Production
dbmodelmapper_1 | Content root path: /app
dbmodelmapper_1 | Now listening on: http://[::]:80
dbmodelmapper_1 | Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
Seeing the port 80, I've tried connecting to that, without success.
The relevant container as shown by
docker ps
What kind of issue am I looking at here?