I'm trying to mount an ISO file in a C++ program in linux
I'm aware of the linux command to achieve this, i.e mount -o loop ~/Test.iso /mnt/myISO
But the mount(2) man page states the following prototype for mounting :
int mount(const char *source, const char *target,
const char *filesystemtype, unsigned long mountflags,
const void *data);
How do I specify the loop option here ?
Also, is it good (/acceptable) practice in general, in linux programming to use system shell calls from C++ to achieve tasks such as these ?
small example
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <linux/loop.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main()
int file_fd, device_fd;
file_fd = open("./TVM_TOMI1.iso", O_RDWR);
if (file_fd < -1) {
perror("open backing file failed");
return 1;
device_fd = open("/dev/loop0", O_RDWR);
if (device_fd < -1) {
perror("open loop device failed");
return 1;
if (ioctl(device_fd, LOOP_SET_FD, file_fd) < 0) {
perror("ioctl LOOP_SET_FD failed");
return 1;
after unmount you need free loop:
device_fd = open("/dev/loop0", O_RDWR);
if (ioctl(device_fd, LOOP_CLR_FD, 0) < 0) {
perror("ioctl LOOP_CLR_FD failed");
return 1;
Here is a code, that also creates loop device for you. Be aware not to use such code in production, as there is no single check on return values, exceptions etc :).
#include <sys/mount.h> //mount
#include <sys/ioctl.h> //ioctl
#include <sys/stat.h> //open
#include <linux/loop.h> //LOOP_SET_FD
#include <fcntl.h> //open
#include <cstdio> // declaration of ::fileno
#include <cstdint> //int32_t
#include <sstream> //std::stringstream
#include <string>
constexpr char IMAGE_NAME[] = "image.iso"; //of course we need this file to be present in same folder as built tool
constexpr char MOUNT_POINT[] = "/tmp/image_mnt"; //of course we need this folder already created
constexpr char FILESYSTEM_TYPE[] = "iso9660";
constexpr char DEV_LOOP_CONTROL[] = "/dev/loop-control";
constexpr char DEV_LOOP_PREFIX[] = "/dev/loop";
constexpr int32_t MOUNT_FLAGS = MS_RDONLY;
int main()
const auto loop_control = std::fopen(DEV_LOOP_CONTROL, "r");
const auto loop_control_fd = fileno(loop_control);
const auto devnr = ioctl(loop_control_fd, LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE);
std::stringstream loopname;
loopname << DEV_LOOP_PREFIX << devnr;
const auto loop_device_name = loopname.str();
const auto loop_device = std::fopen(loop_device_name.c_str(), "r");
const auto loop_device_fd = fileno(loop_device);
const auto image = std::fopen(IMAGE_NAME, "r");
const auto image_fd = fileno(image);
//Associate the loop device with the open file whose file descriptor is passed as the (third) ioctl(2) argument.
ioctl(loop_device_fd, LOOP_SET_FD, image_fd);
const auto result = mount(loop_device_name.c_str(), MOUNT_POINT, FILESYSTEM_TYPE, MOUNT_FLAGS, NULL);
ioctl(loop_device_fd, LOOP_CLR_FD, 0);
return result;
based on: