Ng-map get address after dragging marker

2020-07-18 03:47发布


I am using ng-map to use google map in angularjs. I want to get address safter drag end of marker. I have tried to find in their documentation but did not found for that. Their documentation is good but did not found what i wanted. After trying i got the lat and log after drag end. But i need the address. So what i have to do is to get address from marker or i can convert lat & long to address. But i did not find any code for geocoder to convert lat long to address. Here is the code from where i can the lat & long :-

    <marker centered="true" position="current-location" draggable="true" on-dragend="getCurrentLocation()"></marker>

here is the method :-

$scope.getCurrentLocation = function(){
     $scope.pos = this.getPosition();

Please help me to find the address after dragging the marker.


There is a directive online that does the reverse geocoding. It is great and you can directly use in your code to serve the purpose of converting the lat/lng obtained after dragging the marker to a valid address.

Please take a look at this tutorial that has the directive code too.


In the function $scope.getCurrentLocation(), it receives a parameter, you can use it to get the location (lat,lng) for the marker.

Your code would be:

$scope.getCurrentLocation = function(event){


You can take a look that this example, and take advantage of it. Google has its own way to achieve reverse geocoding



   this.doSth = function() {
      geocoder.geocode({'location': this.getPosition()}, function(results, status) {
        if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
          if (results[1]) {
          } else {
            window.alert('No results found');
        } else {
          window.alert('Geocoder failed due to: ' + status);
