To be clear, my question is not asking how to display a PDF in a UIWebview. I want to check if the user has navigated to a PDF (.pdf) document from some website or link. That way I can show more options to the user, like saving the PDF or printing it. What's the best way to check if the UIWebView's content is a PDF?
You can check the MIME type too, for a slightly longer journey:
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *mime;
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response
mime = [response MIMEType];
- (BOOL)isDisplayingPDF {
NSString *extension = [[mime substringFromIndex:([mime length] - 3)] lowercaseString];
return ([[[self.webView.request.URL pathExtension] lowercaseString] isEqualToString:@"pdf"] || [extension isEqualToString:@"pdf"]);
It's a long trip, but I think this will work ...
BOOL isPdf = [[[self.webView.request.URL pathExtension] lowercaseString]