What's the Matlab way to draw a Bezier curve ? Do you have to prgoram it yourself ?
I am not looking for a user made routine, but am asking if Matlab offers a standard way to draw them.
What's the Matlab way to draw a Bezier curve ? Do you have to prgoram it yourself ?
I am not looking for a user made routine, but am asking if Matlab offers a standard way to draw them.
After looking and searching through the documentation, my answer is No: you'd have to go with one of the 3rd party implementations.
Likeliest candidate would be the interp
family functions, and they implement no Bezier interpolation.
With the Curve Fitting Toolbox, Matlab supports B-splines, which are a generalization of Bézier curves. A rational B-spline with no internal knots is a Bézier spline.
For example
p = spmak([0 0 0 1 1 1],[1 0;0 1]);
would plot a Bézier curve with control points at (0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1).
You can try this, http://www.cnblogs.com/begtostudy/articles/1787709.html
The following code based on this link.
function B = bazier( t, P )
%Bazier curve
% Parameters
% ----------
% - t: double
% Time between 0 and 1
% - C: 2-by-n double matrix
% Control points
% Returns
% -------
% - B: 2-by-1 vector
% Output point
B = [0, 0]';
n = size(P, 2);
for i = 1:n
B = B + b(t, i - 1, n - 1) * P(:, i);
function value = b(t, i, n)
value = nchoosek(n, i) * t^i * (1 - t)^(n - i);