
Run a command remotely on ec2

2020-07-17 16:23发布


I have and Ubuntu 14.04 ec2 instance with my scripts uploaded there. When I want to run a script remotely using my mac's terminal I do ssh myaws "python MyFolder/myscript.py" which runs perfectly. However, I want the script to run on ec2 even after I close the terminal window on my mac or switch off my mac. Once I figure that out I will move onto using cron to schedule my scripts to run on ec2 without me ever ssh-ing in. Is it possible and if it is how would I go about it? Let me now if you need more clarification. Thanks.


Yes, you can do this with AWS Systems manager. AWS Systems Manager Run Command allows you to remotely and securely run set of commands on EC2 as well on-premise server. Below are high-level steps to achieve this.

  1. Attach Instance IAM role:

The ec2 instance must have IAM role with policy AmazonSSMFullAccess. This role enables the instance to communicate with the Systems Manager API.

  1. Install SSM Agent:

The EC2 instance must have SSM agent installed on it. The SSM Agent process the run command requests & configure the instance as per command.

  1. Execute command :

Example usage via AWS CLI:

Execute the following command to retrieve the services running on the instance. Replace Instance-ID with ec2 instance id.

aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" --comment "listing services" --instance-ids "Instance-ID" --parameters commands="service --status-all" --region us-west-2 --output text

More detailed information: https://www.justdocloud.com/2018/04/01/run-commands-remotely-ec2-instances/