Erlang xml to tuples and lists

2020-07-17 15:44发布


I'm very excited to be starting my erlang journey, but I've been stuck on this for a few days now and I'm starting to get scared I won't meet my deadline.

I'm trying to create key, value pair tuples out of xml. I'd like to make a list out of any nested xml. It seems like a very common thing to do, but I can't find any examples.

For instance:

            <name>The Name!</name>


Should turn out like:

    [[{"name", "The Name!"}, {"reviews", [{"review-by", "WE"}, {"review-points", 92}], {"review-by", "WS"}, {"review-points", 90}]} ]]

Where each Item is the main wrapper node.

I've admittedly cargo culted and tweaked the code below. It only returns a list of the first Item's elements. And I'm not sure how to begin the nested ones.

Thanks so much!


    parse(FileName) ->
        {Records,_} = xmerl_scan:file(FileName),
        extract(Records, []).

    extract(Record, Acc) when is_record(Record, xmlElement) ->
        case of
            'Item' ->
                ItemData = lists:foldl(fun extract/2, [], Record#xmlElement.content),
                [ {item, ItemData} | Acc ];
            _ ->
                lists:foldl(fun extract/2, Acc, Record#xmlElement.content)

    extract({xmlText, [{Attribute, _}, {'Item', 2}, _], _, _, Value, text}, Acc) ->
        [{Attribute, Value}|Acc];

    extract(_, Acc) ->


Give Erlsom a try. The Function "erlsom:simple_form(XML)" will give you {Node,Attrib,Value}:

   [{"name",[],["The Name!"]},

However, if you want to drop the Attributes then you can write a fun to pass to the erlsom SAX parser or reformat the output of simple_form. Something like this (to reformat output):


    case erlsom:simple_form(XML) of



This would produce the following output:

   [{"name","The Name!"},

Note, I haven't tested this on very large XML files. You should run a few tests and consider mem issues.

标签: xml erlang