When a user opens a certain page, I want to open that page in an existing tab, before a new tab is opened. I've tried with webRequest:
function(details) {
chrome.tabs.query({ url: 'https://example.com/' },function (tabs) {
chrome.tabs.update(tabs[0].id, { url: details.url, highlighted: true });
{urls: ['https://example.com/']},
I've also tried with webNavigation:
chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(function (details) {
if(details.url=="https://example.com/") {
chrome.tabs.query({ url: 'https://example.com/' },function (tabs) {
chrome.tabs.update(tabs[0].id, { url: details.url, highlighted: true });
Both of these open a new tab that has to be closed, and it causes the browser to jump around between tabs.
Is there any way to intercept requests before a new tab is opened?