I am talking about Doug Hellman's virtualenvwrapper. Well, as per him, once we install virtualenvwrapper, we should edit the .bashrc file as explained here
what we do is we add the following three lines of code:
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
where .virtualenv is the directory where the venvs would be placed. Devel is the directory where the code will reside.
Observation 1:
when i do mkvirtualenv proj1
what happens is a directory called proj1 is created inside .virtualenv but NOT inside Devel.
Observation 2:
When i do mkproject proj1
, a directory inside .virtualenv as well as inside Devel is created.
Now the questions:
Please explain observation 1.
What if two project have same requirements and i want to use a single env and would not want to start with creating another virtualenv and re install the same thing that is installed. How do i do this?