How to get a value from a JSON Object using NSJSON

2020-07-17 05:33发布


I can retrieve the JSON object and display it, but how do I get the value from "lat" and "lng" to use in Xcode?

My Code:

NSString *str=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://www.<WEBSITE>];
NSURL *url=[NSURL URLWithString:str];
NSData *data=[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
NSError *error=nil;

NSDictionary* dictionary = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data
NSLog(@"Your JSON Object: %@ Or Error is: %@", dictionary, error);

JSON Object:

    response =         {

        lat = "52.517681";
        lng = "-115.113995";



I cant seem to access any of the data. I've tried:

NSLog(@"Value : %@",[dictionary objectForKey:@"response"]);

I've also tried a bunch of variations like

NSLog(@"Value : %@",[[dictionary objectForKey:@"response"] objectForKey:@"lat"]);

But it always ends up with a crash:

-[__NSCFArray objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15dd8b80

I've noticed when I am going through debugging that 'dictionary' only consists 1 object. How do I convert my JSON object into a NSDictionary with key pairings? Is this JSON object in the wrong format or something?


That specific JSON object is an NSArray, not an NSDictionary, which is why it does not recognize the selector, and you're not getting a warning because NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData returns an id.


NSArray *array = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data
NSDictionary *dictionary = array[0];


It seems that the JSON returned is not an NSDictionnary object, but an NSArray. Change your code like this :

NSarray *responseArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data

The responseArray contains a dictionnary object ( or many ?) then you acn acces theme like this :

For ( NSDictionary *dic in responseArray){
    NSDictionnary *response = [dic objectForKey@"response"];


Here is a snip from an app I wrote...basically get an NSData object, typically from a response, and use NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:Options:Error which will produce an NSDictionary

NSError *error = nil;
NSData *response = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&responseCode error:&error];

//Make sure response came in
if(response != nil){
    NSError *error = nil;
    id data = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:response options:0 error:&error];

    if([data isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]){
        //Create dictionary from all the wonderful things google provides
        NSDictionary *results = data;

        //Search JSON here
        NSArray *cityAndState = [[[[results objectForKey:@"results"] objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"address_components"] valueForKey:@"short_name"];