I have a hierarchy of nodes, where "diamond" can occurred.
Every node must be clonable but I don't want to write clone method to every node. So I use CRTP.
class Node
Node(Fill*) { }
virtual ~Node() {}
virtual Node * clone() const = 0;
virtual void id() { std::cout << "Node\n"; }
template <typename Base, typename Derived>
class NodeWrap : public Base
NodeWrap() { }
NodeWrap(Fill * arg1) : Base(arg1) { }
virtual Node *clone() const
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived const &>(*this));
works as follows:
class NodeA : public NodeWrap<Node, NodeA>
typedef NodeWrap<Node, NodeA> BaseClass;
NodeA() { }
NodeA(Fill * f) : BaseClass(f) { }
virtual void id() { std::cout << "NodeA\n"; }
First question:
There is know BUG in VS when "covariance is used with virtual inheritance".
Is there a way to overcome the bug, and still have covariant types is clone
I changed return type to be Node
instead of Base
. I can live with that, but I would like to have Base
as return type
Second question:
Problem occurred when multiple inheritance comes to play. I created new wrapper, which inherits virtually
template <typename Base, typename Derived>
class NodeWrapVirtual : public virtual Base
NodeWrapVirtual() { }
NodeWrapVirtual(Fill * arg1) : Base(arg1) { }
virtual Node *clone() const
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived const &>(*this));
and now building diamond structure:
class NodeB : public NodeWrapVirtual<Node, NodeB>
typedef NodeWrapVirtual<Node, NodeB> BaseClass;
NodeB() { }
NodeB(Fill * f) : BaseClass(f) { }
virtual void id() { std::cout << "NodeB\n"; }
class NodeC : public NodeWrapVirtual<Node, NodeC>
typedef NodeWrapVirtual<Node, NodeC> BaseClass;
using BaseClass::clone;
NodeC() { }
NodeC(Fill * f) : BaseClass(f) { }
virtual void id() { std::cout << "NodeC\n"; }
and problematic diamond node:
class NodeD : public NodeWrap<NodeB, NodeD>,
public NodeWrap<NodeC, NodeD>
typedef NodeWrap<NodeB, NodeD> BaseClassB;
typedef NodeWrap<NodeC, NodeD> BaseClassC;
NodeD() { }
NodeD(Fill * f) : BaseClassB(f), BaseClassC(f) { }
using BaseClassB::clone; // (1)
virtual NodeD *clone() const { return new NodeD(*this); } // (2)
virtual void id() { std::cout << "NodeD\n"; }
where are 2 lines I am curious about. (line (1) and (2))
If both lines are removed, there is oblivious compile error, because there is ambiguous clone
method (from every parent). Since I don't use covariant return types, there should work clone
method form each parent, so i use line (1) but it doesn't work. Still ambiguous.
So I use line (2) and it works.
Is there a nice way, to avoid writing line (2)?
HERE is full working example on ideone.