I have a Python application to which I recently added a Cython module. Running it from script with pyximport works fine, but I also need an executable version which I build with cx_Freeze.
Trouble is, trying to build it gives me an executable that raises ImportError trying to import the .pyx module.
I modified my setup.py
like so to see if I could get it to compile the .pyx first so that cx_Freeze could successfully pack it:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
from Cython.Build import cythonize
description=' ',
options={"build_exe": {"packages":["pygame","fx"]},'build_ext': {'compiler': 'mingw32'}},
executables=[Executable('main.py',targetName="myproject.exe",base = "Win32GUI")],
... but then all that gives me is No module named fx
within cx_Freeze at build-time instead.
How do I make this work?