I wanted to hide the outer ring in Sunburst, and I wanted to show it when the user drills down the sunburst. So that I can clearly show the data in outer ring clearly.... Thanks in advance
Here is my code
var width = 700,
height = width,
radius = width / 2,
x = d3.scale.linear().range([0, 2 * Math.PI]),
y = d3.scale.pow().exponent(1.3).domain([0, 1]).range([0, radius]),
padding = 5,
duration = 1000;
color = d3.scale.category20c();
var div = d3.select("#vis");
var vis = div.append("svg")
.attr("width", width + padding * 2)
.attr("height", height + (padding * 2) + 2000)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + [radius + padding, radius + padding] + ")");
.attr("id", "intro")
.text("Click to zoom!");
var partition = d3.layout.partition()
.value(function(d) { return 5.8 - d.depth; });
var arc = d3.svg.arc()
.startAngle(function(d) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(2 * Math.PI, x(d.x))); })
.endAngle(function(d) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(2 * Math.PI, x(d.x + d.dx))); })
.innerRadius(function(d) { return Math.max(0, d.y ? y(d.y) : d.y); })
.outerRadius(function(d) { return Math.max(0, y(d.y + d.dy)); });
var json = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
var nodes = partition.nodes({children: json});
var path = vis.selectAll("path").data(nodes);
.attr("id", function(d, i) { return "path-" + i; })
.attr("d", arc)
.attr("fill-rule", "evenodd")
.style("fill", colour)
return d.depth ? d.desc: "";
.on("click", nodeClicked);
var text = vis.selectAll("text").data(nodes);
var textEnter = text.enter().append("text")
.style("fill-opacity", 1)
.style("fill", function(d)
return brightness(d3.rgb(colour(d))) < 125 ? "#eee" : "#000";
.attr("text-anchor", function(d)
return x(d.x + d.dx / 2) > Math.PI ? "end" : "start";
.attr("dy", ".2em")
.attr("transform", function(d)
var multiline = (d.name || "").split(" ").length > 1,
angle = x(d.x + d.dx / 2) * 180 / Math.PI - 90,
rotate = angle + (multiline ? -0.5 : 0);
return "rotate(" + rotate + ")translate(" + (y(d.y) + padding) + ")rotate(" + (angle > 90 ? -180 : 0) + ")";
return d.depth ? d.desc: "";
.on("click", showModelDetailsForCriteria);
.attr("x", 0)
.text(function(d) { return d.depth ? d.name.split(" ")[0] : ""; });
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("dy", "1em")
.text(function(d) { return d.depth ? d.name.split(" ")[1] || "" : ""; });
function nodeClicked(d)
.attrTween("d", arcTween(d));
// Somewhat of a hack as we rely on arcTween updating the scales.
text.style("visibility", function(e)
return isParentOf(d, e) ? null : d3.select(this).style("visibility");
.attrTween("text-anchor", function(d)
return function()
return x(d.x + d.dx / 2) > Math.PI ? "end" : "start";
.attrTween("transform", function(d)
var multiline = (d.name || "").split(" ").length > 1;
return function()
var angle = x(d.x + d.dx / 2) * 180 / Math.PI - 90,
rotate = angle + (multiline ? -0.5 : 0);
return "rotate(" + rotate + ")translate(" + (y(d.y) + padding) +
")rotate(" + (angle > 90 ? -180 : 0) + ")";
.style("fill-opacity", function(e)
return isParentOf(d, e) ? 1 : 1e-6;
.each("end", function(e)
d3.select(this).style("visibility", isParentOf(d, e) ? null : "hidden");
function isParentOf(p, c)
if (p === c) return true;
if (p.children)
return p.children.some(function(d)
return isParentOf(d, c);
return false;
function colour(d)
var nameStr = d.name;
if (d.name == 'Danger')
return "red";
else if (d.name == 'Stable')
return "green";
else if ((d.name !== undefined) && (nameStr.indexOf("Need Ana") >= 0))
return "orange";
else if ((d.name !== undefined) && (nameStr.indexOf("Not Mon") >= 0))
return "grey";
if (!d.parent)
return "#fff";
if (!useRAG)
if ((d.data.color !== null) && (d.data.color !== undefined) &&
((d.data.color == "red")||(d.data.color == "green")||(d.data.color == "amber")||(d.data.color == "grey")))
return d.data.color;
return color((d.children ? d : d.parent).name);
if (d.children)
var colours = d.children.map(colour);
var childCount = d.children.length;
var hueAddition = 10;
for (var index = 0; index < childCount; index++ )
hueAddition += (d3.hsl(colours[index])).h;
return d3.hsl((hueAddition) / childCount, (d3.hsl(colours[0])).s * 1.2,
(d3.hsl(colours[0])).l * 1.2);
return d.colour || "#fff";
// Interpolate the scales!
function arcTween(d)
var my = maxY(d),
xd = d3.interpolate(x.domain(), [d.x, d.x + d.dx]),
yd = d3.interpolate(y.domain(), [d.y, my]),
yr = d3.interpolate(y.range(), [d.y ? 20 : 0, radius]);
return function(d)
return function(t)
x.domain(xd(t)); y.domain(yd(t)).range(yr(t)); return arc(d);
function maxY(d)
return d.children ? Math.max.apply(Math, d.children.map(maxY)) : d.y + d.dy;
// http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/WD-AERT/#color-contrast
function brightness(rgb)
return rgb.r * 0.299 + rgb.g * 0.587 + rgb.b * 0.114;
if (top != self) top.location.replace(location);
function showModelDetailsForCriteria(d)
var criterions = d.filter.split(",");
var confirmationMessage = "Do you want to view the model list for - ";
var startindex = 0;
if (criterions[startindex] !== null && criterions[startindex] !== undefined)
var statusInt = parseInt(criterions[startindex]);
var statusString = "Not Monitered";
if (statusInt === 0)
statusString = "Stable";
else if (statusInt == 1)
statusString = "Need Analysis";
else if (statusInt == 2)
statusString = "Danger";
confirmationMessage += "<BR>Health Status = " + statusString;
if (criterions[startindex] !== null && criterions[startindex] !== undefined)
confirmationMessage += "<BR>Model Owner = " + criterions[startindex];
if (criterions[startindex] !== null && criterions[startindex] !== undefined)
confirmationMessage += "<BR>Biz Application = " + criterions[startindex];
if (criterions[startindex] !== null && criterions[startindex] !== undefined)
confirmationMessage += "<BR>Class of Model = " + criterions[startindex];
if (criterions[startindex] !== null && criterions[startindex] !== undefined)
confirmationMessage += "<BR>Model Name = " + criterions[startindex];
if (criterions[startindex] !== null && criterions[startindex] !== undefined)
confirmationMessage += "<BR>Product Type = " + criterions[startindex];
app.confirm(confirmationMessage, false,
function ()