I want to know how to make whatever the user inputs to ignore case in my method:
public static void findPatient() {
if (myPatientList.getNumPatients() == 0) {
System.out.println("No patient information is stored.");
else {
System.out.print("Enter part of the patient name: ");
String name = sc.next();
You have to use the String method .toLowerCase()
or .toUpperCase()
on both the input and the string you are trying to match it with.
public static void findPatient() {
System.out.print("Enter part of the patient name: ");
String name = sc.nextLine();
//the other class
ArrayList<String> patientList;
public void showPatients(String name) {
boolean match = false;
for(String matchingname : patientList) {
if (matchingname.toLowerCase().contains(name.toLowerCase())) {
match = true;
Use String#toLowerCase()
or String#equalsIgnoreCase()
Some examples:
String abc = "Abc".toLowerCase();
boolean isAbc = "Abc".equalsIgnoreCase("ABC");
The .equalsIgnoreCase() method should help with that.
use toUpperCase() or toLowerCase() method of String class.
You ignore case when you treat the data, not when you retrieve/store it.
If you want to store everything in lowercase use String#toLowerCase, in uppercase use String#toUpperCase.
Then when you have to actually treat it, you may use out of the bow methods, like String#equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String). If nothing exists in the Java API that fulfill your needs, then you'll have to write your own logic.
I have also tried all the posted code until I found out this one
Here whatever character the user input will be converted to lower cases.