I'm trying to do a join from two tables in flask-sqlalchemy and I want all the columns from both tables but if I execute:
Company.query.join(Buyer, Buyer.buyer_id == Company.id).all()
I have only the columns from Company (It returns, in fact, a Company object).
I know I can do something like:
Company.query.join(Buyer, Buyer.buyer_id == Company.id) \
.add_columns(Buyer.id, Buyer.name, etc..).all()
It returns in this case:
(<Company 2>, 1, 'S67FG', etc..)
the problem is that I have a lot of columns and also I don't know how to marshmallow the returned obj with flask-marshmallow (with nested fields does not work).
Is there a way to return a new obj with columns from the two tables? What is for you the best way to manage these situations?
Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thanks