
Maven Tycho: How to Exclude eclipsec.exe in a prod

2020-07-16 07:59发布


I switched the build of our Eclipse RCP product from PDE-build to Maven Tycho. In addition to the main (branded) launcher executable, the product now includes the "eclipsec.exe" file. We would like to omit this console-based launcher from our product as it might confuse our customers. Is there a way to do that with Tycho?


I got this answer on the tycho-users list:

In your eclipse-repository project, assuming that you have a .product file, you can place another file in the same directory called .p2.inf

For the contents of your p2.inf file you can put a p2 touchpoint to remove the file:



I don't know how to solve with tycho directly, but you can achieve this with the maven-antrun-plugin. There's a little trick to get the deletion of the eclipsec.exe on the timely position. You have to put the delete step between materialize and the archive goal of the p2-director-plugin. I put the delete step on the phase pre-integration-test and moved the archive step to the phase integration-test.

                <delete file="${project.build.directory}/products/<<your.product.id>>/win32/win32/x86/eclipsec.exe"/>

The result: No eclipsec.exe in the product.zip.
Hope that helps.