
HTTP/2 with OkHttp

2020-07-16 08:19发布


I am trying to communicate with a HTTP/2 server using OkHttp client.

Added to Maven POM:


And this is my test code:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder().url("https://http2.akamai.com/demo").build();
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
System.out.println("Protocol: " + response.protocol());

But when I run it it prints:

Protocol: http/1.1


This browser is not HTTP/2 enabled.

Environment: OpenJDK 8 on Linux.

Do you need something additional? I saw something called "ALPN" but did not quite understand the concept.


ALPN is required for HTTP/2, but it isn’t available in desktop Java until JDK 9. In Java 7 and Java 8 you’ll need a hack called jetty-alpn to enable it.

(For Java 9 there’s ALPN on the platform but only in the upcoming OkHttp 3.3.)


Alternatively, you can use conscrypt with apache, jetty or okhttpclient to get ALPN support in jdk8 itself,

Security.insertProviderAt(Conscrypt.newProvider(), 1);

p.s: use conscrypt-openjdk-uber jar to include all dependencies

标签: okhttp http2