I'm new to subversion. Over the last month I had done some changes and merged them to trunk. Everything seemed fine - my changes got propagated as expected. But today I was re-reading about merging and saw this, saying the following when merging your changes back to trunk:
Now, use svn merge with the --reintegrate option to replicate your branch changes back into the trunk.
and a few paragraphs later:
Notice our use of the --reintegrate option this time around. The option is critical for reintegrating changes from a branch back into its original line of development—don't forget it!
I guess I hadn't read things carefully enough the first time around.
So, it seems I made a mistake with my previous merges back to trunk because I hadn't used the --reintegrate option. What are the consequences of this? Is there something I need to fix?
In case it's useful, my work flow had looked like this:
- Copy from trunk to create a personal branch.
- Check out the personal branch.
- Changes and commits.
- Get a working copy of trunk.
- Merge my branch to the working copy of trunk (again, without --reintegrate).
- Commit the merge.
- Delete my branch.