Copy files in folder up one directory in python

2020-07-14 13:48发布


I have a folder with a few files that I would like to copy one directory up (this folder also has some files that I don't want to copy). I know there is the os.chdir("..") command to move me to the directory. However, I'm not sure how to copy those files I need into this directory. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


This is what I have now:

from shutil import copytree, ignore_patterns

copytree("/Users/aaron/Desktop/test/", "/Users/aaron/Desktop/", ignore=ignore_patterns('*.py', '*.txt'))

I am getting the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 61, in <module>
    copytree("/Users/aaron/Desktop/test/", "/Users/aaron/Desktop/", ignore=ignore_patterns('*.py', '*.txt'))
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/", line 146, in copytree
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/", line 157, in makedirs
    mkdir(name, mode)
OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/Users/aaron/Desktop/'


The shutil module can do this, specifically the copyfile, copy, copy2 and copytree functions.

You probably want something along these lines:

import os
import shutil

fileList = os.listdir('path/to/source_dir')
fileList = ['path/to/source_dir/'+filename for filename in fileList]

for f in fileList:
    shutil.copy2(f, 'path/to/dest_dir/')

You can of course filter some file names out during the call to os.listdir(). For example,

fileList = [filename for filename in os.listdir('path/to/source_dir') if filename[-3] is '.txt']

instead of fileList = os.listdir('path/to/source_dir') to get just the .txt files

标签: python file copy