SBT: Access managed resources of a subproject?

2020-07-14 12:26发布


In an SBT Plugin, I'm trying to access to managed resources of subprojects.

Here is the build file:

import sbt._
import Keys._
import play.Project._

object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
  val appName         = "demo"
  val appVersion      = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  val appDependencies = Seq(
    "org.jruby" % "jruby-complete" % "1.7.1"

  val widgets = play.Project("widgets", appVersion, appDependencies, path = file("widgets"))
  val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, path = file("demo"))


I'm working in an SBT plugin defined in plugins.sbt.

Now, I need to use resources files from the subproject (widgets) during compilation of the parent project (demo).

So far the closest I've got to is the buildDependencies settings key - but I'm only getting ProjectRef objects, and the only information is the build base and the project id. I couldn't find a way to get to that project's resources directory.


I'm not familiar with writing plugins, but at least in your build.sbt you can define the resource file.

Or, again in the build.sbt you can create a "common" project that others reference, like:

lazy val common = (project in file("common"))
      includeFilter in unmanagedResources := new SimpleFileFilter(_.getCanonicalPath.startsWith((sourceDirectory.value / "main" / "resources").getCanonicalPath))

Then other code (e.g. a Task) could reference this like:

lazy val doSomething = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Does something useful")
lazy val doSomethingSetting = doIt := {

  val resourceDir = (resourceDirectory in common in Compile).value


So your other projects could run this or reference that directory

Hopefully there's a straight forward way to implement one of those solutions for a plugin vs a build?


Unfortunately I do not believe this is possible. I was trying something similar but found the following in the documentation:

Note: At runtime, all plugins for all builds are loaded in a separate, parent class loader of the class loaders for builds. This means that plugins will not see classes or resources from build definitions

See: SBT Plugins