
encodeURIComponent algorithm source code

2020-07-14 12:02发布


I am developing an application in titanium using Javascript. I need an open source implementation of encodeURIComponent in Javascript.

Can anybody guide me or show me some implementation?


The specification for this function is in

Modern versions (2018) of V8 implement it in C++. See src/uri.h:

// ES6 section encodeURIComponenet (uriComponent)
static MaybeHandle<String> EncodeUriComponent(Isolate* isolate,
                                              Handle<String> component) {

which calls into Encode defined in uri.cc.

Older versions of V8 implemented it in JavaScript and distributed under the BSD license. See line 359 of src/uri.js.

// ECMA-262 -
function URIEncodeComponent(component) {
  var unescapePredicate = function(cc) {
    if (isAlphaNumeric(cc)) return true;
    // !
    if (cc == 33) return true;
    // '()*
    if (39 <= cc && cc <= 42) return true;
    // -.
    if (45 <= cc && cc <= 46) return true;
    // _
    if (cc == 95) return true;
    // ~
    if (cc == 126) return true;

    return false;

  var string = ToString(component);
  return Encode(string, unescapePredicate);

It's not called encodeURIComponent there, but this code in the same file, esablishes the mapping:

InstallFunctions(global, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
    "escape", URIEscape,
    "unescape", URIUnescape,
    "decodeURI", URIDecode,
    "decodeURIComponent", URIDecodeComponent,
    "encodeURI", URIEncode,
    "encodeURIComponent", URIEncodeComponent


What for do you need encodeuricomponent? It is already present in JS.

Anyway, here's an example of implementation:



Here is my implementation:

var encodeURIComponent = function( str ) {
    var hexDigits = '0123456789ABCDEF';
    var ret = '';
    for( var i=0; i<str.length; i++ ) {
        var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
        if( (c >= 48/*0*/ && c <= 57/*9*/) ||
            (c >= 97/*a*/ && c <= 122/*z*/) ||
            (c >= 65/*A*/ && c <= 90/*Z*/) ||
            c == 45/*-*/ || c == 95/*_*/ || c == 46/*.*/ || c == 33/*!*/ || c == 126/*~*/ ||
            c == 42/***/ || c == 92/*\\*/ || c == 40/*(*/ || c == 41/*)*/ ) {
                ret += str[i];
        else {
            ret += '%';
            ret += hexDigits[ (c & 0xF0) >> 4 ];
            ret += hexDigits[ (c & 0x0F) ];
    return ret;