
Where to keep p12 file securely on App Engine?

2020-07-14 10:19发布


On App Engine, I need a p12 file to create signed URLs:


Google does not describe what are best practices about keeping this file.

Can I use the WEB-INF directory to store the file? It would then be part of the source code and kept together with the password to open it.

What are best practices here? Or other approaches?


What about performance? Is it efficient to load the file over and over again? Does App Engine automatically cache the file across calls (on the same instance)? Or will I need to load the file once using a servlet and then keep it in a static variable somehow? Are there better ways to achieve this, like storing the file in a datastore record and then keep it in memcache? How secure would that approach be? Probably no good, right?


In App Engine specifically there are a number of unusual security limitations around File storage. I have found the best place to store resources securely is by using the bundle itself. If you're using the default Maven setup as produced by the appengine maven skeleton project this is as simple as placing the file inside of the appropriate resources directory

Once the p12 is in the correct location, you'll need to load it using the class loader's GetResourceAsStream function. Then when building the GoogleCredentials, don't use the documented setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File() function, but instead use the setServiceAccountPrivateKey() function and pass in the PrivateKey that you just constructed.

Additionally, you will most likely not want to use any of this functionality with a live appengine instance since Appengine already provides you with a much easier to use AppIdentityCredentials function in that case so you will probably want to detect whether or not your app is in production mode and only use the ServiceAccount when testing using localhost.

Putting all of these functions together yields the following function which works for me:

public static HttpRequestInitializer getDefaultCredentials() throws IOException
      List<String> scopes = Arrays.asList(new String[] {DEVSTORAGE_FULL_CONTROL});
      if (SystemProperty.environment.value() == SystemProperty.Environment.Value.Production)
          return new AppIdentityCredential(scopes);

          GoogleCredential credential;

          try {
              String p12Password = "notasecret";

              ClassLoader classLoader = ServiceUtils.class.getClassLoader();

              KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
              InputStream keyFileStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("key.p12");

              if (keyFileStream == null){
                  throw new Exception("Key File Not Found.");

              keystore.load(keyFileStream, p12Password.toCharArray());
              PrivateKey key = (PrivateKey)keystore.getKey("privatekey", p12Password.toCharArray());

              credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
          } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
              return null;
          } catch (Exception e) {
              return null;

          return credential;

