In Swift, how do you detect which UIControlEvents

2020-07-14 10:10发布


I currently have 4 UITextField's

@IBOutlet weak var fNameTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var lNameTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var emailTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var phoneTextField: UITextField!

and I want to keep track of their various events:

[UIControlEvents.EditingChanged, UIControlEvents.EditingDidBegin, UIControlEvents.EditingDidEnd ]

but I don't want to have 3 event separate event handlers so I created a single function like this. This function does a great job of telling me which UITextField fired an event but it doesn't tell me which event was triggered.:

fNameTextField.addTarget(self, action: "onChangeTextField:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.AllTouchEvents)
lNameTextField.addTarget(self, action: "onChangeTextField:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.AllTouchEvents)
emailTextField.addTarget(self, action: "onChangeTextField:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.AllTouchEvents)
phoneTextField.addTarget(self, action: "onChangeTextField:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.AllTouchEvents)

func onChangeTextField(sender:UITextField){
        case fNameTextField:
            print("First Name")
        case lNameTextField:
            print("Last Name")
        case emailTextField:
        case phoneTextField:
        default: break

How can I print both the name of the sender and the name of the event triggered (ex: .EditingDidEnd, .EditingDidEnd, .EditingDidEnd)?

Ideally, I do not want to write multiple event handlers, I'd prefer a single function.

Something like this:

func onChangeTextField(sender:UITextField){
        case UIControlEvents.EditingChanged:
        case UIControlEvents.EditingDidBegin:
        case UIControlEvents.EditingDidEnd:
        default: break


Unfortunately, you cannot distinguish what control event triggered an action handler. This has nothing to do with Swift; it's just a feature of Cocoa.

It's a strange design decision, but that's just how it is. See, for example, my book, which complains about it:

Curiously, none of the action selector parameters provide any way to learn which control event triggered the current action selector call! Thus, for example, to distinguish a Touch Up Inside control event from a Touch Up Outside control event, their corresponding target–action pairs must specify two different action handlers; if you dispatch them to the same action handler, that handler cannot discover which control event occurred.


Alternatively you could use this little helper which converts a UIEvent (or UITouch) to a UIControl.Event. It works by checking the Phase of the touch, getting its location in the sending view, and comparing it to the previous location. If you use UIEvent it will use the first touch.

Be forewarned, however: it cannot handle .touchDownRepeat well. The tapCount property of UIEvent has a longer timing duration than a normally triggered .touchDownRepeat. Additionally, it seems to send multiple actions on .touchDownRepeat.

And, of course, it doesn't handle the other UIControl.Event like .editingDidBegin, etc.

public extension UIEvent {

    func firstTouchToControlEvent() -> UIControl.Event? {
            guard let touch = self.allTouches?.first else {
                print("firstTouchToControlEvent() Error: couldn't get the first touch. \(self)")
            return nil
        return touch.toControlEvent()


public extension UITouch {

    func toControlEvent() -> UIControl.Event? {
        guard let view = self.view else {
            print("UITouch.toControlEvent() Error: couldn't get the containing view. \(self)")
            return nil
        let isInside = view.bounds.contains(self.location(in: view))
        let wasInside = view.bounds.contains(self.previousLocation(in: view))
        switch self.phase {
        case .began:
            if isInside {
                if self.tapCount > 1 {
                    return .touchDownRepeat
                return .touchDown
            print("UITouch.toControlEvent() Error: unexpected touch began outs1ide of view. \(self)")
            return nil
        case .moved:
            if isInside && wasInside {
                return .touchDragInside
            } else if isInside && !wasInside {
                return .touchDragEnter
            } else if !isInside && wasInside {
                return .touchDragExit
            } else if !isInside && !wasInside {
                return .touchDragOutside
            } else {
                print("UITouch.toControlEvent() Error: couldn't determine touch moved boundary. \(self)")
                return nil
        case .ended:
            if isInside {
                return .touchUpInside
            } else {
        case .cancelled:
            return .touchCancel
            print("UITouch.toControlEvent() Warning: couldn't handle touch event. \(self)")
            return nil


Use it like so:

class TestControl: UIControl {

    func setupTouchEvent() {
        self.addTarget(self, action: #selector(handleTouchEvent(_:forEvent:)), for: .allTouchEvents)

    @objc func handleTouchEvent(_ sender: TestControl, forEvent event: UIEvent) {
        guard let controlEvent = event.firstTouchToControlEvent() else {
            print("Error: couldn't convert event to control event: \(event)")
        switch controlEvent {
        case .touchDown:
        case .touchDownRepeat:
        case .touchUpInside:
        case .touchUpOutside:
        case .touchDragEnter:
        case .touchDragExit:
        case .touchDragInside:
        case .touchDragOutside:
            print("Error: couldn't convert event to control event, or unhandled event case: \(event)")

To implement .touchDownRepeat you could wrap this method in a little class and save the time on each touch down, or simply save the tap time in your control.


As matt said, this is not possible (and is indeed very irritating!). I've been using this little helper class to relieve myself of some of the typing.

Each UIControl.Event has a corresponding optional Selector. You can set only the selectors you need, and ignore the ones you don't.

class TargetActionMaker<T: UIControl> {

    var touchDown: Selector?
    var touchDownRepeat: Selector?
    var touchDragInside: Selector?
    var touchDragOutside: Selector?
    var touchDragEnter: Selector?
    var touchDragExit: Selector?
    var touchUpInside: Selector?
    var touchUpOutside: Selector?
    var touchCancel: Selector?
    var valueChanged: Selector?
    var primaryActionTriggered: Selector?
    var editingDidBegin: Selector?
    var editingChanged: Selector?
    var editingDidEnd: Selector?
    var editingDidEndOnExit: Selector?
    var allTouchEvents: Selector?
    var allEditingEvents: Selector?
    var applicationReserved: Selector?
    var systemReserved: Selector?
    var allEvents: Selector?

    func addActions(_ sender: T, target: Any?) {
        for selectorAndEvent in self.selectorsAndEvents() {
            if let action = selectorAndEvent.0 {
                sender.addTarget(target, action: action, for: selectorAndEvent.1)

    private func selectorsAndEvents() -> [(Selector?, UIControl.Event)] {
        return [
            (self.touchDown, .touchDown),
            (self.touchDownRepeat, .touchDownRepeat),
            (self.touchDragInside, .touchDragInside),
            (self.touchDragOutside, .touchDragOutside),
            (self.touchDragEnter, .touchDragEnter),
            (self.touchDragExit, .touchDragExit),
            (self.touchUpInside, .touchUpInside),
            (self.touchUpOutside, .touchUpOutside),
            (self.touchCancel, .touchCancel),
            (self.valueChanged, .valueChanged),
            (self.primaryActionTriggered, .primaryActionTriggered),
            (self.editingDidBegin, .editingDidBegin),
            (self.editingChanged, .editingChanged),
            (self.editingDidEnd, .editingDidEnd),
            (self.editingDidEndOnExit, .editingDidEndOnExit),
            (self.allTouchEvents, .allTouchEvents),
            (self.allEditingEvents, .allEditingEvents),
            (self.applicationReserved, .applicationReserved),
            (self.systemReserved, .systemReserved),
            (self.allEvents, .allEvents)

Use it like so:

class MyControl: UIControl {

    func setupSelectors() {
        let targetActionMaker = TargetActionMaker<MyControl>()
        targetActionMaker.touchDown = #selector(self.handleTouchDown(_:))
        targetActionMaker.touchUpInside = #selector(self.handleTouchUpInside(_:))
        targetActionMaker.touchUpOutside = #selector(self.handleTouchUpOutside(_:))
        targetActionMaker.addActions(self, target: self)

    @objc func handleTouchDown(_ sender: MyControl) {

    @objc func handleTouchUpInside(_ sender: MyControl) {

    @objc func handleTouchUpOutside(_ sender: MyControl) {

Though, to be honest, in the end it really doesn't save you that much typing.