I am looking for something that works in SQL Server similar to the @
symbol in c# which causes a string to be taken as it's literal. Eg:
string text = "abcd\\efg";
Output of text = abcd\efg
string text = @"abcd\\efg";
Output of text = abcd\\efg
Note how the @ affected the string to take every character as is.
Now I am not sure this is possible but here is my issue and maybe there is a better way to solve this. Consider the following basic query:
FROM [Test]
WHERE [Name] LIKE (@searchText + '%')
My issue is if they put a %
, _
or any other of those special characters that can affect my like clause. I want the match to act just like a 'starts with' function. So is there anything I can apply to the @searchText to say take this literally or is there possbibly a better solution that I am not thinking of?
Edit: I do not want the solution to be client side cleaning. I need this stored proc to work without relying on the data being passed in being cleaned.
To search for "%" as a literal not wildcard in a string, it needs escaped as [%].
Now, SQL Server only need 3 characters escaping: % _ [
So, create a scalar udf to wrap this:
REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@myString, '[', '[[]'), '_', '[_]'), '%', '[%]')
Because of the simplicity (aka: very limited) pattern matching in SQL, nothing more complex is needed...
In TSQL, you can wrap the % and _ characters in brackets like so [%] [_] this tells SQL to treat them as literals.
I have tested and verified this works in SQL Server 7.0, 2000, and 2005.
Each character to be treated literally should be enclosed in square brackets. A right bracket is taken literally directly so don't enclose that one.
If you parameterize your query you don't need to worry about it.
As recursive stated in the comments, % still needs to be escaped even in parameterized queries, I didn't realize linq to sql was doing it automagically when I tested.
You can use ESCAPE 'x' where x is the character you wish to be the escape character. Linq to SQL does it like this
WHERE [Name] LIKE @searchText ESCAPE '~'
where @searchText = [some text with a~% character%]
or as others have stated it can be escaped with [%]
view the documentation
I'd sanitize the string in the front-end application rather than try and do hokey stuff in SQL to work around this.
From the docs:
match_expression [ NOT ] LIKE pattern
[ ESCAPE escape_character ]
Use the ESCAPE
option like so:
FROM [Test]
WHERE [Name] LIKE (REPLACE(@searchText, '%', '%%') + '%') ESCAPE '%'
If you don't want to modify the incoming text, you can use the "LEFT" function to create your own "STARTSWITH":
FROM [Test]
WHERE @searchText = LEFT( [Name], LEN( @searchText ) )
(Note that you probably need to do extra work to handle the case of NULLs or empty string.)
EDIT: Removed the incorrect statement about using "LIKE" to search for "%".